Blue Marsh Insurance Blog

Insurance FAQ's: When is the Right Time to Get Life Insurance?

Written by Tom Davenport | Oct 28, 2020 6:53:01 PM

This year has really forced most of us to think about what is important in our lives. If you're like me, my family is at the top of my list. And protecting them is my number one priority.

As an insurance agent, we are often asked, "When should I get life insurance?". Many clients think they are too young for a life insurance policy (not true), or that they are too old for a life insurance policy (also not true). If you want to protect your family and provide for them in the event that something happens to you, then NOW is the right time to start a life insurance policy. 

Erie Insurance sums it up perfectly: Planning ahead to secure the well-being of your family is more than a transaction: It's an act of love.

Top 5 Reasons NOW is the Time to Get Life Insurance:

1. It's more affordable than you think. Life insurance done right is not expensive. According to Nerd Wallet, the average cost of life insurance in 2020 is just $26 a month. Check out this handy Life Insurance Calculator that can help you determine how much you might need:

2. It's a stress-reliever. If 2020 has taught us anything, it's that we don't need anymore unnecessary stress in our lives. Getting started with a life insurance policy now can provide piece of mind for the unknowns of the future. No more worrying about how your family would financially survive if something were to happen to you. 

3. You can tailor your policy to your needs. You've probably heard of term life insurance and whole/permanent life insurance. But which one is right for you? It’s impossible to say which type of life insurance is better because the kind of coverage that’s right for you depends on your unique circumstances and financial goals. That's why it's so important to work with your trusted insurance agent. They can take a look at your situation, goals and needs to find the perfect policy for you.

4. It covers more than just final expenses. Life insurance is an easy (and powerful!) way to invest in your family's financial freedom. You can use it to pay off debt, fund your children's education, or even help your spouse pay off your mortgage. Of course it also covers final expenses (think: funeral expenses), and final medical expenses that your health insurance might not cover.
5. We don't know what tomorrow will bring. If 2020 has you thinking about your own mortality you aren't alone. This year has taught us that tomorrow is not guaranteed. Please do not wait to make the responsible decision to protect your family. 

If this seems overwhelming to you, we are here to help! As an independent agent, we work with only the best insurance carriers to find you the exact life insurance coverage you need at the best price. Start your FREE quick life insurance quote here!