Blue Marsh Insurance Blog

Insurance Advice for Young Parents: Enjoy Your Family

Written by Steven Schappell | Jul 16, 2019 6:06:00 PM

Have you heard the classic 70’s song with the opening lyrics, "time keeps on slipping into the future"? I believe it was “Fly Like An Eagle” written and performed by the Steve Miller Band. Ever since my oldest of two children turned 21 this past year, I’ve been thinking about this song quite often. It’s amazing how quickly time passes. Thinking that your children are all grown up and you'll have less time together brings about a sense of melancholy. Your family weekends will never be the same. Evenings at home are much quieter. Yes, you have more time to pursue your own hobbies, but the family of four adventure trips to pumpkin patches, corn mazes, nature hikes, concerts, and ballgames are all memories. Maybe that's good. Maybe that's the point.

Shortly after my first child was born, I was fortunate to receive some sage advice from my sister-in-law whose children were several years older. She said no matter how stressful and busy life might be, do your best to enjoy each moment and milestone.  My wife and I tried to follow her advice. As we reminisce about the past 21 years, we wondered how we did it all. Work, school, youth sports schedules, scouts, and dealing with elderly parents certainly made the time fly. We certainly attempted to enjoy the smallest of moments as much as the monumental ones. “Enjoy life and make family memories” was our motto. Summer picnics at my parent's house where on the hill there was always a cool breeze and the sound of my dad's Hawaiian guitar, weekends watching our kids play sports, Disney trips, summer vacations at a beach that was accessible only by pontoon bridge, and live event shows of our child’s favorite TV characters all created lasting memories we will cherish forever. 

So yes, time does keep on slipping into the future. It's just important to make sure it doesn't go by too quickly without sharing it with each other and doing what your family enjoys. Eventually, those noisy toddler concerts eventually give way to earsplitting preteen concerts. Fortunately, we've progressed on to music festivals and concerts we all enjoy. Maybe we'll see you at one while we’re making more memories. Create some of your own memories while you have time and leave the insurance stuff to us.